Friday, February 5, 2010

Meeting Update

Well we had our meet last night in the Glynhill which was nice and cosy. Although we had a few people cancel due to illness and pregnancy - you are forgiven girls ( hope your starting to feel better), we also have 3 new members!

New members are Mindful Mum - Ali at, Nikki at and Alison at

We chatted weddings most of the night - with Kirstin & M.T having exhibited at Oran Mor and Louise & Alison exhibiting at the Lynnhurst on the same day. Elaine who is getting married in June was happy to join in the wedding conversations.

Great to see more baby related businesses, as I am sure that Sharon and Mindful Mums will have a lots in common, along with Elaine on the child front.

We never got the chance to speak about a mothers market or a conference - but we can do this by email.

For those who missed it hope you get better soon and good luck Marieke from us all. Hope the birth goes well. You must let us know asap of any developments.


  1. Hello, It was lovely to meet you all at the Glynhill last night. I've been flying solo on the business front for the last 6-9 months with a new baby so it was great to hear from other Mums about their business. What a great idea, thank you for setting this up. I will definitely be back!
    Ali @MindfulMum

  2. Hi there,
    This looks like a lovely group - can I play too?
    I'm in Bridge of Weir and I write copy for websites - and anything else people want me to.

  3. Yes, I had a great time too.Its great to have the support of other mums because half the time work/life balance is a real challenge and you can feel so isolated.

  4. Nice to see you all again girls, and for the first time Ali! We're defo going Southside though for the next meet! Any Southsiders have any suggestions on a good location?

  5. Hi folks. Sorry I missed the meetup. Sounds like you all had fun. Hope to be at the next one - we had hoped to have moved southside by then but doesnt look like that's going to happen so I'll remain as the north of Glasgow contingent.

  6. Fantastic site Ali - had a good browse through it now! Very, very informative and a clean, crisp look!

  7. Hi Ellen, we'd be delighted to have you join us - all advice, suggestions, brainwaves welcome!!! Why not tell us a bit more about what you do!!

  8. Ok this is shocking M.T has been on here more often than what I have!
    Ellen you are more than welcome to join us. Will go and fix the admin side so you can post.
    Ali had a look on your site too, it is great well done.
    The last meet was only in the Glynhill due to a few people wanting to have a nosey round the venue. But we do move about all the time- done beanscene in town, Oran Mor at the West End, Glynhill in Renfrewshire.

    What about somewhere in or near Silverburn is the easy for people to get to?
